Ignasi Mundó, born in Barcelona on January 6, 1918, where he lived most of his life, is one of the most significant painters of figurative art in Catalonia in the 19th century. XX. His painting, between expressionist, post-impressionist and, basically, realistic, expresses with vigor and strength all that he sought in his environment, whatever it was: urban landscape -the most frequented- of his city or any other to visit (from Vic to Prague, Berlin, Paris, or Bern, for example), still life and still lifes, portraits, interiors of daily life, etc. Any topic was the pretext to frame a personal point of view under a given light. He was always interested in studying the incidence of light in the color of the object of his vision, the point of view or framing what he had in front. His life was Pictorial Art and he devoted himself fully while he lived. Always with a blog or a notebook in hand, he constantly took notes and portrayed all kinds of scenes, places and people who were in front with an agile and vigorous stroke, with the force that gave his interest in the treatment of light and the colour.